Day 13

Charles Price

“Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another...”

—HEBREWS 10:25

There is a story told about a Russian soldier who was wounded and ordered to go to the military hospital for treatment. When he arrived at the large and imposing building, there were two doors. One was signed, “For the Slightly Wounded,” and the other, “For the Seriously Wounded.” So he went through the first door and found himself in a long corridor. At the end of the corridor, there were two doors again. One said, “For Officers,” and the other, “For Non-Officers.” So he went through the second door, finding yet another long corridor at the end of which were two more doors. One said, “For Party Members”, and the other, “For Non-Party Members.” Going through the second door, he found himself back on the street.


When he got home, his mother asked him, “How was it at the hospital?” He replied, “Well, mother, the people didn’t really do anything for me, but you should see how well they organize themselves!”


Some of us struggle with the church. We are fine with Jesus, but not with the church. Perhaps a negative experience of church caused you to prefer living as a lone-ranger Christian. But it really doesn’t work. I know there are lots of frustrations when we place ourselves in community with fellow Christians. For some, our experience of church has become a little like that of the Russian soldier. Lots of things going on, lots of programs, lots of organization, but you feel like you are going through a revolving door and getting nowhere.


But it is unlikely we will grow outside of fellowship with other believers. We have much to receive from others, and much to give to others. God said, ‘It is not good for man to be alone’, and that is not only true of physical relationship, but is true of spiritual fellowship. We need each other, and it is God’s will that we live in mutual interdependence with other believers, and together, we live in dependence on God.

PRAYER: Dear Lord, Thank You so much for the church of which I am a part. I know how vulnerable we can be as lone rangers in our faith, and I ask that You always keep me grounded in a community of believers. Thank You, Lord.

TO REFLECT UPON: In what ways have I benefited from fellowship with believers and is there any special way I have enjoyed contributing to others in my church?